A wide variety of unique countertops. Express anyway you like

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Stainless Steel

Double Guard Against Scratches And Soiling

Two secrets to maintain STEDIA cleanliness.

STEDIA countertop e-coat surface

STEDIA countertop e-coat surface

Grease Stains Lift Off With E-coat  stedia countertop

The e-coat hydrophilic cerami coating allows water to work its way under the stain, lifting it to float upand off the surface.

stedia countertop

Even stubborn grease is gone with the wipe of adamp cloth!

STEDIA countertop e-coat surface

Scratch-resistant Special Embossed Finish

The work surfaces you use most have a special embossed finish that reduces the effective area of countertop and sink contact with dishes and utensils. Scratches are less likely to form and less noticeable when they do.

centro countertop


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STEDIA countertop corian

Ortana Series

STEDIA countertop corian

Franc White (2)

STEDIA countertop corian

Almond Natural (3)

STEDIA countertop corian

Tea Grege (4)

STEDIA countertop corian

Souffle Blue Grey (5)

STEDIA countertop corian

Foret Noir (6)

Artificial Marbel

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STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Caliza Series

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Caliza White (B)

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Caliza Mocha (F)

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Caliza Grey (G)

Powder Series

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Sucre White (A)

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Farina Beige (I)

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Russett Mocha (K)

Solid Series

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Natural White (B)

Artificial Marble Molding Technology (Free Combination Molding)

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Cleanup's proud original artificial marble forming technology. Using the idea of "Inlaying" (A technique used when making antique furnitures.), a delicate but bold design is now available. Usability and strength of the countertop is same with or without the pattern, since a patterned piece using the same material is embedded. (Patent obtained)

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

FC Process Series

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Techi Techi (7)

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Lusekofte (8)

STEDIA countertop artificial-marble

Flower White (H)

(*Base color of "Techi Techi" and "Lusekofte" are Natural White.)

I-Shaped・L-Shaped Countertop (Stainless Steel / Artificial Marble / Corian)

※ L-Shaped is not available when the countertop material is Corian.

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Sink Variation

Stream Flow Sink (Stainless Steel)

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SY Sink

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SA Sink

Super Silent Sink (Stainless Steel)

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SV Sink

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SK Sink

Stream Flow Sink (Artificial Marble)

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SV Sink

Countertop Material Available Sink (Material)
Stainless Steel Stream Flow Sink (Stainless Steel)
Super Silent Sink (Stainless Steel)
Artificial Marble Stream Flow Sink (Stainless Steel)
Super Silent Sink (Stainless Steel)
Stream Flow Sink (Artificial Marble)
Corian Stream Flow Sink (Stainless Steel)
Stream Flow Sink (Artificial Marble)

Flat Counter Island (Artificial Marble / Corian)

※ L-shape is not available when the countertop material is Corian.

※ Depth 80cm countertop is only available Artificial Marble.

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Sink Variation

Stream Flow Sink (Stainless Steel)

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SY Sink

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SA Sink

Super Silent Sink (Stainless Steel)

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SV Sink

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SK Sink

Stream Flow Sink (Artificial Marble)

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SV Sink

Countertop Material Available Sink (Material)
Artificial Marble Stream Flow Sink (Stainless Steel)
Super Silent Sink (Stainless Steel)
Stream Flow Sink (Artificial Marble)
Corian Stream Flow Sink (Stainless Steel)
Stream Flow Sink (Artificial Marble)

※ Super Silent Sink (Stainless Steel) is not available for Flat Counte Island L-shaped.


For Stream Flow Sinks (SY/SA)

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Support Plate (mesh)

Support Plate (mesh) for Corian Countertop

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Draining Basket

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Cutting Boad Rack


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Support Plate (mesh)


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Lid for Drainage

For Super Silent Sinks (SV/SK)

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Cutting Boad for SK sink

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Support Plate for SK Sink

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Lid for Drainage

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Support Plate (mesh)
(Photo shows SV sink)
For SV sink: MP-9
For SK sink: ZKPPKN-K

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Draining Basket and Tray

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Cutting Boad Rack

For Both

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Cutting Boad Holde

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Clean Corner